Brewer Of The Year

Congrats to the 2024 Ozark Zymurgist Homebrewer of the Year!

Larry McCalister

In February 2023, the club voted to make some changes to the Brewer of the ​Month / Brewer of the Year program. The idea has always been to increase the amount of homebrews brought to each meeting in order to add value to the meetings.
As a club, we will continue to improve on this program each year as it fits the needs of our members. The goals for this year’s program as voted by the members are as follows:

  • Continue to add value to meetings by encouraging brewers to bring in their homebrews
  • Create an easier method to calculate all of the points month to month
    Become more efficient and transparent with the current standings month to month
  • Encourage members to remain active at local charity events by serving homebrew

The amended rules for 2023 Brewer of the Year are as follows:
  • Top Three voted beers at each meeting will result in the brewer obtaining 3 points for first place, 2 points for second, and 1 point for third
  • Points can be accumulated between February 2025 and January of 2026 with the winner being announced at the February 2026 meeting
  • In the event of a tie, the tie breaker will be decided by the total cumulative votes received per brewer at that meeting (Extended tie breaker: tie can also be decided by the total amount of homebrew brought by a member)
  • Brewers will also receive an additional 3 points for each charity homebrew event attended where said brewer serves at least one keg of their homebrew
  • The first time a new member (defined as anyone who was not a paid member for the previous year) brings at least one homebrew, that member will be awarded a point
  • At the end of the year (February 2026), the winning brewer will be awarded a prize to be voted on by club members at a later date